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Reception Home Learning Videos

In this section you will be able to see the weekly video lessons by the Reception teachers. Please see the resources in the Reception Home Learning tab to support your child's learning alongside these videos.

Mrs Bennett says Hello!


Mrs Roberts says Hello!

Summer 2 Week 1


Mrs Patel's PSHE lesson.


Miss Cownty's Maths lesson

Summer 2 Week 2

This week we are looking at 'The Gruffalo' Mrs Solly has created a special treat for you!

Maths- Sharing

Mrs Patel's sharing lesson.

Forest School

Mrs Solly's creative lesson

Summer 2 Week 3


Miss Cownty's English Lesson

Reception- English.mp4


Mrs Patel's doubling lesson

Reception- Maths Doubles.mp4

Summer 2 Week 4

Miss Cownty's Maths Lesson

Summer 2 Week 5

Mrs Patel's Tricky Words Lesson

Miss Cownty's Writing Lesson

Miss Cownty's Phonics Lesson

Mrs Patel's Number Hunt

Mrs Patel: The koala who could

Miss Cowntys Maths Lesson: Use non-standard units to measure

Mrs Patel's 2D Shapes Maths Lesson

Miss Cownty's Art Lesson

Miss Cownty's Tuesday Maths Lesson

Mrs Patel's Tuesday Phonics

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