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Who's Who

Senior Leadership Team

Mr Lee Mason-Ellis - Chief Executive Officer     

Mr Timothy Rome - Director of Education
Mrs Sarah Hunter - Executive Head Teacher, Regional Director and DSL

Miss Louisa Nyamekye - Head of School

Mrs Kelly Knight - Assistant Head Teacher and Deputy DSL
Mrs Amanda Lewin - SENCO  (Contact the school office to speak to the SENCO staff and you will be directed to them.) and Deputy DSL

Office/Support Staff/Facilities

Teaching Staff

Additional Teaching Staff

Teaching Assistants

L Agyapong
H Barker
M Benesova
J Caesar
C Fuller
K Hunter
R Leclerc
R Morgan
C Murphy
E Mustafa
R Omar
L Plimmer
K Richardson
J Scarlett
J Shearman
L Stewart
E Thomas
A Venn
S Zaigham


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