Broadmead Primary School

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Physical Education




Physical Education

With a full time specialist PE teacher at Broadmead, we deliver real skills to all abilities. P.E. training is a system of progressive exercise and instruction aimed at developing fundamental motor abilities, balance, co-ordination and ultimately complete control of body movement. We want our pupils to move with competence and to develop the desire to participate in all sport and physical activity. All pupils whatever their ability, age, size, shape or aspiration can improve their fundamental movement ability and build the foundations on which future sporting performance is based.

P.E. provides pupils with learning opportunities through the medium of movement and contributes to their overall development by helping them to lead full, active and healthy lives. The P.E. curriculum provides a balanced range of activities (athletics, games, dance, swimming and many more) for pupils and all pupils will enjoy the variety, challenge and the performance improvements that this training provides.

All pupils when they leave Broadmead will have had access to high quality physical education and be provided with opportunities to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness.

Sports Premium

The government is providing additional funding of £150million per annum for academic years to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. The funding is provided jointly by the Departments of Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. The funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.

Funding for the year 2022/23 is £16000 + £10 per pupil for pupils in years 1-6. Schools have the responsibility to choose how they see fit to increase and improve physical education available to pupils. Development and training of staff to provide sustainable improvements is also a key factor.

Please see the finance tab under Our School to see how we have spent our sports grant this year.

Swimming Data