Broadmead Primary School

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Modern Foreign Language




Modern Foreign Languages

‘A different language is a different vision of life’ – Federico Fellini

At Broadmead Spaish is taught weekly to all children by a specialist Spanish Teacher. 


  • To develop the ability to speak in a Modern Foreign Language.
  • To gain confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing in a foreign language.
  • To learn about the cultural aspects of Spanish and other countries where the target language is spoken.

 We aim to give children an insight into language learning and different cultures through language lessons and culture days. Children are given the opportunity to listen to songs, stories and Spanish native speakers.  Through the use of flashcards, games and other activities children are able to experience talking in Spanish which will enhance their knowledge and understanding of Spanish vocabulary.  Our ambitious vacabulary aims for all children to be reading, speaking and writing Spanish to a standard that prepares them to excel in languages at secondary school.