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Weekly PE Activities and Suggestions

The PE team are keen to know how everyone is getting on at home. It is really important to keep active in these times, as it not only keeps you fit, but also makes you feel good. We have designed a weekly activity tracker so you can keep record of all the things you are doing to keep fit, healthy and happy.  Along side this, we will upload weekly challenges and links to videos where you can practise your favourite sports or skills.

Remember these challenges are only ideas, do not feel you have to squeeze them all into your day. The most important thing is to have fun, keep fit and stay safe! I Look forward to seeing some of your weekly trackers, so if you can do upload to the schools twitter make sure your do!

All the best Mr Fricker.

Challenges and Links - Week 1 - 27 April 2020

Challenges and Links - Week 2 - 04 May 2020

West Ham U16 challenges C.mp4

Try and get through all of Miss Benbow's football skills

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